J’ai été invitée à découvrir GOODEE, le nouveau projet des jumeaux co-fondateurs de Want Les Essentiels, Byron et Dexter Peart. Originaires d’Ottawa, c’est à Montréal qu’ils ont ouvert leur première boutique Want Apothecary avant de se propulser vers Toronto, Vancouver puis New York.
Crédit photo : JF Galipeau
Voici le slogan de leur nouveau terrain de jeu. Chaque élément chez GOODEE est soigneusement contrôlé par leur équipe de développement durable. De cette façon, ils s’assurent qu’ils sont fabriqués de façon éthique. Leur mission est claire et elle plaît à toute l’équipe chez Beauties ; participer à la création d’un monde meilleur, plus connecté et équitable.
C’est dans leur boutique éphémère, située au Centre Phi dans le Vieux Montréal, que j’ai pu voir de mes propres yeux la qualité de chaque objet. Rien n’est laissé au hasard, tout est réfléchi et choisi méticuleusement. Ça fait beaucoup de bien de constater qu’il y a des gens et des compagnies qui veulent faire une différence. Je te conseille vraiment d’aller y faire un tour, d’ici le 25 septembre!

Crédit photo : JF Galipeau
Was there an aha moment, or was it more of a natural succession of discussions and small conscious/unconscious decisions that lead you to the idea of creating GOODEE?
“Discovering and supporting intentional and inspiring brands has always been a passion of ours. Creating this unique platform that connects and enables an ecosystem of makers to consumers who are looking to make better choices is a dream come true.”

Crédit photo : JF Galipeau
Are you rather optimistic, pessimistic or shared about the future of the planet?
“Our viewpoint is that conspicuous consumption has reached an unsustainable point,” "We believe that many people, especially younger generations, are searching for better tools to consume “less but better” products.”
What efforts do you personally make to preserve the planet in your lives?
“We feel strongly that our work is a natural extension of our core values. Goodee truly is a reflection of how we see the world and how we choose to live in it. Making efforts to be B Corp incorporated and running our business out of a co-working space are key decisions that build our vision of making better choices in how we operate. On a personal side, we ensure we purchase ethical and fair trade products for home consumption. Most clothes in our closet are at least five years old and well loved, and we’re mindful of reducing energy consumption with Nest system at home and LED lighting throughout. Bottled water is a no for us, we refill our GOODEE bottles at work and when travelling. In making better small decisions we truly believe they add up over time to create stronger impact in our personal and professional lives.”
Who is your coup de coeur in your suppliers, which one inspires you the most by their ethics?
As curators of GOODEE, we purposefully choose brands that align to our core ethics of bettering the world. We are continuously inspired by all our brands as they are true reflections of our values. EcoBirdy, a new brand that recycles discarded plastic toys into colorful, children’s furniture; Haeckels, a grooming brand which manufactures effective natural products from sustainable resources; and, Skagerak, a B-Corp, family-owned, sustainable design company from Denmark, join the roster.