L'acné : du soin de la peau au maquillage, en passant par l'acceptation! - Beauties Lab

L'acné : du soin de la peau au maquillage, en passant par l'acceptation!

Marianne & Maryse te donnent quelques astuces pour l'acné; du soin de la peau au maquillage, en passant par l'acceptation.
Lucía tried The Ordinary... And here’s what she had to say about it! - Beauties Lab

Lucía tried The Ordinary... And here’s what she had to say about it!

The Ordinary’s introduction was revolutionary amongst other skin care brands, thanks to its democratic approach to skin care. In this article I will talk about my personal opinion on the products t...
Interview with Jasmi Bonnén, founder of NUORI - Beauties Lab

Interview with Jasmi Bonnén, founder of NUORI

Lea had the chance to interview Jasmi Bonnén founder of NUORI. “A new Nordic skincare brand sets out to challenge the current industry standard of shelf life, efficacy, and purity.”