Interview With Gloria Noto, Founder Of NOTO Botanics - Beauties Lab

Interview With Gloria Noto, Founder Of NOTO Botanics

Meet the L.A queen of natural beauty.


I had the privilege to meet Gloria Noto during my last trip in NYC. This entrepreneur really inspires me on different levels. Gloria is a makeup artist, visual artist, activist and a poet. Every aspect of her personality comes together with a strong sense of mindfulness and authenticity. NOTO Botanics was launched in 2016 and I proudly carry this brand at Beauties Lab. Natural, inclusive, sustainable, gender fluid; there are many reasons why NOTO will always have a special place in our hearts and on our shelves. I hope you get to visit their brand new store in Highland Park (5005 N Figueroa St, Los Angeles). It’s **** beautiful.

As makeup artists, we all dream to have our own makeup/skincare  line. What made you jump?

I wanted to put a spin on my own vision of what I thought was missing from the clean beauty industry.  I also wanted to feel more connected to my work, and inspire others to feel more authentic and connected to what they use and buy. 

I’m a huge fan of your look. How would you describe your style and what are your favorite fashion brands?

I am always flattered when people compliment my style because I have no idea what I am really doing.  It changes on a daily basis based off of how I am feeling, what art or movie I may have seen, what the weather is like, or identity I want to curate.  Lately I have been into going back to classics.  I am growing a grey strip of hair, and just letting it do it's thing.  I wear a lot of weird jewelry that is always the same, rarely taking them off.  But you can almost always find me in a black boot.

How do you get to balance business with creativity?

By making business creative.  If I didn't have a creative business, I wouldn't be doing it at all.  I couldn't survive. 


What do you want people to feel when they buy one of your products?

I want them to feel connected, to feel thought of, and to feel important because they are applying a product that is conscious of not only them and their needs but the environment as well as authentic in it's story.  It's made by real people, not a big corporation - so I want them to feel loved. 

If you had to choose one product from your brand, which one would you pick?

Impossible ! I made each product out of a real personal need!  But if you forced me, I would say the Deep Serum. :) 




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